About us

This web site is owned by Knowledge Train Limited, which is one of the UK’s leading training providers in Six Sigma Courses. Knowledge Train® is a registered trademark of Knowledge Train limited, registered at 14 Charterhouse Square, London, EC1M 6AX, United Kingdom.

Protecting your privacy

Knowledge Train is committed to protecting users’ privacy and security. Read more if you’d like to know how and why we collect user information, how we keep your information secure and under what conditions we may disclose this information to a third party.

We update our policy as necessary, make sure to review this information regularly to ensure your satisfied with our practices. By using this website, you agree to our terms and conditions.

For any questions, or if you’d like to know more, contact us in one of these ways:

Send an email to info@knowledgetrain.co.uk.

Snail mail
Write to us at 14 Charterhouse Square, London, EC1M 6AX, United Kingdom.

Call us on +44 (0)207 148 5985.

User information

How do we collect information?

Information is collected using browser cookies, information forms or when you sign up to our newsletter.

What type of information is collected?

Information we collect is limited to name, address, email address, phone number, IP address and browsing information. All financial information such as card number, account number, sort code etc. is stored and handled by Stripe, a secure third-party service provider.

How is user information used?

We may use your information to process purchases, carry out contractual obligations, solicit customer feedback, notify you of any changes to our services or send you relevant information you have requested.

Knowledge Train is obligated to retain relevant user information indefinitely for legal purposes. For any questions, please contact us.

3rd-Party distribution

Knowledge Train will never sell, rent or release user information to third parties for profit or marketing purposes.

Knowledge Train is required to pass on certain information to third-party service providers. We disclose only that information directly related to services purchased by our customers. All third-parties associated with Knowledge Train are legally bound to protect user information.

Banking information is processed by Stripe, a trusted affiliate, specializing in secure online transactions. Knowledge Train does NOT store banking information on our systems.

If Knowledge Train is required to release personal information due to contractual obligations, third-party service provision, legal obligations, business restructuring etc., we will do so with the aim of ensuring that your right to privacy is protected.

Knowledge Train will never release customer information to an unaffiliated third-party unless required to do so by law.


Knowledge Train will not contact you for the purpose of marketing or advertising at any time without prior consent.

If you have signed up to our newsletter or any other form of marketing, you may opt-out at any time. To change your marketing preferences, contact us by email at the address above or call us on +44 (0)207 148 5985.

Access, update, transfer or remove customer information

If you think any of the information we hold is incorrect, please email us at the address above.

You have the right to request:

  • A transcript of all personal information retained by Knowledge Train;
  • All personal information retained by Knowledge Train be transferred to a third-party organization or individual;
  • All personal information be removed;
  • All personal information be withheld from processing procedures;

Note: *Requests may be subject to a fee and ID verification.

Security precautions

Knowledge Train does not retain sensitive user information such as banking details. If you are required to input sensitive information, Knowledge Train will take all necessary precautions to ensure your privacy is protected.

All information is transmitted by SSL encryption. Encrypted pages are marked by a ‘lock’ icon next to the address bar of most browsers.

Knowledge Train takes all necessary precautions to protect user information stored on our systems. Users given access to their online profiles via password are responsible for the protection of any information stored behind these security measures. Do not share your password.


Knowledge Train may collect user information for the purpose of marketing profiles. This process is automated and requires user consent.


Like most other websites, this site uses cookies. Cookies collect statistical information about your visit to our site. Cookies do not collect personal information. Cookies allow us to improve our website and deliver improved customer service.

If you would like to disable cookies on this site, please refer to our cookie policy. Note that by doing so, certain features of this site will be inaccessible.

Links to affiliate sites

Our site contains links to affiliate sites and unaffiliated third-party sites. This privacy policy only applies to Knowledge Train owned sites.

Knowledge Train is not responsible for the security of information given to outside parties, including (but not limited to) sites linking to Knowledge Train and sites we link to.

Age restriction

If you are aged 16 or under, please request your parent/guardian’s permission before providing personal information.

Transferring information outside the EU

As part of service provision, or due to business restructuring, user information may be transferred to countries outside of the UK.

By submitting your data, you agree to information being stored or transferred out of the UK. User information and information security is subject to domestic law.

Knowledge Train will take all precautions necessary to ensure that your data is protected in accordance with this policy.


Our site may also make use of the HotJar website recording service. Hotjar records, mouse clicks, mouse movement, page scrolling and text entered into online forms.

HotJar does not record personal information or banking information. Information collected by HotJar is used for internal monitoring purposes only to improve our sites’ usability.

Users can opt-out of HotJar recording at any time. Visit https://www.hotjar.com/legal/compliance/out-out to find out how.

Complaints and Queries

Knowledge Train strives to meet the highest standards possible regarding the collection and use of user information. If you believe our policies are unfair, misleading or inappropriate please let us know how we can improve our practices by emailing us at the address above.

If you want to file a complaint regarding incorrect usage of your information, contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.

This policy does not represent a comprehensive document of Knowledge Train data collection, privacy and usage procedures. If you require any additional information, contact us at the address above.

Policy Review

We update our privacy policy regularly. This policy was last updated as of March 16th, 2020.